Please take a look at the expectations for lab members if you are interested in joining us.
Hourly positions in Public Health Entomology
Our advertisement for seasonal hourly technicians is now open!
The work is diverse and provides great field and lab experience. Positions will be focused on one or a combo of: field collections of mosquitoes & ticks, pathogen testing, and organismal lab experiments. We are seeking undergraduate or recently graduated hourly technicians during April-November to work on mosquito and tick surveillance and field experiments. The positions are based at the Illinois Natural History Survey Medical Entomology Lab, within the University Research Park. Applicants should be available part or full-time Monday through Friday. For more information contact Lab Director Dr. Chris Stone by e-mail.
Please see announcement at the INHS website.
Prospective graduate students
If you’re interested in joining the lab as a graduate student, please take a look at the lab’s current research and some recent papers and contact Lab Director Dr. Chris Stone by e-mail. Please include a curriculum vitae and a description of your research interests.
You can join the lab as either a Master’s or PhD student through the Department of Entomology. Please visit their web site as well as that of the UIUC graduate college to become familiar with admission requirements. Funding for positions is available either through Teaching or Research Assistantships.
Undergraduate research
We regularly have opportunities for undergraduates at UIUC to join the lab as hourly workers. This typically entails aiding with mosquito colony maintenance, experiments, taxonomic identification and molecular processing of samples, and fieldwork during the summer. There are also opportunities to work on independent research projects. For inquiries please contact Lab Director Dr. Chris Stone by e-mail.
Postdoctoral positions
Funded positions will be listed here as they become available.