
Are you in the right place?

Scroll down for educational resources like webinars and downloadable/printable handouts and factsheets.

But first! Have you encountered a mosquito or tick and want to report them or learn what to do next?

Report Mosquito or Tick Encounter

Or, are you planning an outing or want to learn more about ticks and tick-borne disease agents where you live? Click below for interactive distribution maps of the ticks and disease agents of human health concern in Illinois.

Illinois Tick Surveillance Maps

Educational Handouts & Pamphlets 

Protecting Against Tick Bites

INHS-MEL Tick Trading Cards

Factsheets on Some of Our Statewide Surveillance Programs

UIUC-PRI Tick Surveillance Factsheet

UIUC-PRI Insecticide-Resistance Monitoring Factsheet

State Reports

Biennial Report to the Illinois Governor, 2020-2022



Ticks of Illinois: biology, bite prevention, management

For IL-Extension 

Tick-borne illnesses are a concern for anyone who spends time outdoors. In this 50-minute webinar learn about the ticks in Illinois that are a risk to human health, disease agents found in ticks by the statewide surveillance program by Illinois Natural History Survey Medical Entomology Lab, tick bite prevention, and land management techniques to reduce tick encounters.

Downloads for Researchers, Vector Control Professionals, and The Curious

Interactive On-line Tool to Identify the Most Commonly Encountered Adult Ticks of Illinois

This identification tool was created with the novice user in mind. Found a tick and want to try identifying it? Check it out by clicking on picture below!

A Synopsis of the Mosquitoes of Illinois

This synopsis provides means tor identifying the mosquitoes likely to be found in Illinois. It contains keys to eggs, larvae, and adults, because the sanitarian, ecologist, and collector working with mosquitoes will find all stages of the insects and may not have the time or means to rear the insects to other stages. It is an extension of the original report. The Mosquitoes of Illinois (Ross 1947) in that it includes more species and presents a key to eggs of floodwater mosquitoes. Most of the keys in this synopsis have been enlarged from the original report; some of the illustrations are from the original report and some are new.