INHS Medical Entomology Lab hiring for TWO salaried staff positions!

We are hiring for two positions at the INHS-MEL located at the University of Illinois in Champaign, Illinois. These are jobs with long-term employment potential working with outstanding colleagues in a great environment.

Champaign-Urbana is a lively and growing area with excellent recreational and cultural opportunities and a low-cost of living. The University of Illinois Champaign-Urbana has a diverse and engaging research and teaching community. The 2021-22 U.S. News & World Report’s America’s Best Colleges rankings rated Illinois as the number 15 public university and the number 47 national university.

Click here to learn more about the unique Illinois Natural History Survey and diverse flora and fauna of our state.

(For the seasonal hourly positions job ad, see our last News post.)

1. Scientific Specialist: primarily working in the lab on mosquito colony maintenance, behavioral and manipulative experiments with mosquitoes and ticks, and molecular testing of vectors; ($44K+ w/benefits; minimum qual: BSc)

Application deadline April 11, 2022

2. Sr. Scientific Specialist: planning and conducting mosquito and tick surveillance, conducting research on improved vector surveillance/control methods and bite prevention, and assisting with lab diagnostics; (salary commensurate; minimum qual: BSc)

Application deadline April 11, 2022

For questions or inquiries, please contact the INHS-MEL Lab Director, Dr. Chris Stone.

Now hiring hourly positions in Public Health Entomology 2022

Our advertisement for seasonal hourly technicians is now open! Deadline for full consideration is April 1, 2022.

Please see announcement at the INHS website.

The work is diverse and provides great field and lab experience. Positions will be focused on one or a combo of: field collections of mosquitoes & ticks, pathogen testing, and organismal lab experiments. We are seeking undergraduate or recently graduated hourly technicians during April-November to work on mosquito and tick surveillance and field experiments. The positions are based at the Illinois Natural History Survey Medical Entomology Lab, within the University Research Park. Applicants should be available part or full-time Monday through Friday. For more information contact Lab Director Dr. Chris Stone by e-mail.

We will also be announcing two salaried research positions very soon. Check back or reach out for details.